Sunday, July 9, 2023

Is Religion is Good? Lets Talk About God- Part-3

Everyone was created by God with immortal and unlimited beings: 

If humans were created as eternal and infinite creatures like God, then why are we mortal and finite?

Why do we have so many religions, by the way?

Is religion good or bad? Today, we will talk about this subject......

Is Religion is Good? lets talk about God-part-3

The first subject :

In a contract period, humans are formed as immortal and unlimited creatures like God....

God put them through a test before making them permanent immortal and infinite creatures.

Everyone knows, as usual, "Do not eat this fruit; if you eat it, you will die." He waited and examined since it was a command.

Simultaneously, the fake God alias SATAN, who had been exiled from the presence of the Almighty, arrived at the Humans and told them ---- "Eat this fruit, for if you eat, you will live and become God."

So, humans have two options: select One.....


"If they do not eat the fruit," they will follow God----- God is eternal and resides in a place called Heaven, thus Humans will eventually arrive there.

"If they eat," they picked SATAN—the false God, also known as THE KING OF THIS TEMPORARY WORLD, 

Satan was destined to die at the end of the world, cast out in hell,

so obviously those who followed and accepted his commands will go there......

Humans----choose to eat that fruit---that's all there is to it....


Humans consciously select Satan as their God.

Because the probation period for humanity to be immortal and infinite had not yet been finished, God revoked their contract to be immortal and infinite.

Here are two questions: 

1. Does God know everything?

A. He is aware that he has always had a backup plan.

2. Humans appear innocent, which is why they mislead, 

hence the problem is not with humans, but with the creator. 

Is that the question you're putting up?

A. As I previously stated, humans are formed in his image, 

with the capabilities and abilities that God possessed, 

thus they can oppose Satan's decision and deny his directives, 

yet they choose.

God, on the other hand, is a smart and compassionate deity who understands how to save his people. 

The final point is how he rescued his people, therefore we shall discuss that later.

That's how our everlasting and infinite qualities came to an end.

The second subject is:

Is religion is good? lets talk about God-part-3

Why are there so many religions?

Is religion good or bad? Today, we will talk about this subject.....

Religion, in my opinion, is a system of rules and laws.

Like a guideline for how people should live on this planet... a type of instruction handbook for humanity.

As an example:

Every religion must begin somewhere—some say we are extremely are very new....come on, don't be so childish....

Someone started it somewhere; if he was not present, there would be no religion.

As a result, each religion has some strong pillars -----

Any religion that instills hatred, no matter how slight, is harmful to the mind, heart, and soul, as well as to society.

In the Christian faith---

You have to think Thrine was God.


2. You must love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind.

3. Befriend your neighbor

4. Born Again.....these four commands are cornerstones of Christianity......

There is a completely secure, safe was there to the civilization in those four commands.


If you love God, you will do what he commands....

How can you damage your neighbor if you love him?

So, there are various religions, all of which I view as a method to live in this world.

 Is religion good or bad?--- Once again, it depends----

If you are spreading hatred and envy by your actions, and those actions were learnt and nurtured through religion....

That religion is harmful to the world, particularly your world.

Despite the fact that there is a concept of humanity----- Humanity means loving, treating, and respecting everyone equally-----

But they say---but they don't do, they partially despise religious people......

So, any idea in this world, any God in this world...

Anyone spreading hatred in our planet is not welcome.

Perhaps there is a point like---also, I dislike a few things; what can I do?

I also despise a few things..... I despise their actions, behaviors, qualities, attributes, and thoughts; I ignore and avoid them; and I despise them.

So, what exactly was the point----

So, let us not propagate hatred...let us love everyone as much as we can...

Put on a Love Mask......Stop Spreading Hate........

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