Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Jesus Christ is really a God? lets talk about God -----The conclusion.--Part -4.

 Let Us Discuss God: 

"What if God is invisible?" How did Jesus Christ become God? Because, after all, he is human.

Jesus Christ is really a God? lets talk about God

Always keep one thing in mind-------A human can never become God........

A human is subjected to and limited by worldly interests, and he will lead them till death.

If a human represents God's image means----- He concealed his dark-malicious side, 

so once disclosed, identified, or captured, he no longer functions as God.

Why are all human intentions evil?

As I already stated, while they are created, they deny God as their King.

And elect Satan as their God, thus they vote for Satan to be their God.

As a result, he imposes his traits on humanity,

and malice is one of them.

Because we are all descended from Adam and Eve, 

we all share the same attributes; 

the only difference is that we express them differently depending on the time and situation......

Clearly, I am stating that no human being is regarded as a God.

So, is Jesus Christ God? Isn't he merely human?

Indeed! He is both God and man.

How is this even possible?

Because he is not human......


I previously declared that he is human, but now I say that he is not.

What did that imply?

I mean---He is Human, but he is also not----

More information....

How is a human being born?

Everyone is aware of the process of human birth.--- Intercourse----

In the fallopian tube, a single sperm and an egg cell from the mother meet.

 Conception happens when a single sperm enters an egg. A zygote is the combination of sperm and egg.

 The zygote has all of the genetic information (DNA) required to develop into a baby.

Why is Jesus Christ's birth process so different from that of ordinary humans?

He is born without intercourse, despite the fact that many other religious writings claim he was born to a 'Virgin Marry.'

Anyone who gives birth to God will be God himself.

So, yet again, a person cannot be a God since human beings are limited......

A God, on the other hand, can be a human........Because God is capable of doing anything.

We now understand one thing-------

Because Jesus Christ is the second ADAM (second mankind), he does not belong to Adam's genealogy,

 and He is holy (which means separate from all humans).

 The unknown God whom all our forefathers,

 worshiped from the beginning came to visit this earth in the form of Our Lord God Jesus Christ.

Why? To understand how the world works?

He can see from above, so no way.

He arrived to save the world....

Why, he can see everyone from above, yet he can't save anyone from above.

No!!!!!!  Why, once more?

Because the narrative should end where it started.....

The story begins in this spherical ball and should end here as well.

The narrative began with..... God has a purpose for this planet....

God created mankind as everlasting and unlimited beings, 

and He also gives them a command to see if they will obey him or not....

There is no way for mankind to exercise their free will if there is no Satan. 

If there is no darkness and no significance to light, 

If there is no hell, there is no value to heaven; 

if there is no death, there is no understanding of eternal life, immortality, or infinity.

At the end of the day, we all know these things perfectly, 

and every human can perceive and learn about them, whether they believe or not.......

Jesus Christ is really a God?

Humans embrace Satan as their God.....and they sell themselves as slaves to him......

From that point forward, sin and malice rule over all of humanity.....

God is a kind, just, just, and loving deity; He can dismiss everything,

 but He does not want to give up everything; furthermore, 

He followed His own protocol and questioned Satan, "What was the price to free all mankind?"

Satan mockingly responded, "A sinless human sacrifice." 

Perhaps----Satan smiled at God and said ----it's impossible...

God is known as the accomplisher of the impossible.

In a nutshell, God left all of his great and gigantic uncontrollable and incompressible strength and

 became relatively restricted...….

God's move caught Satan off guard...

Satan Shocks.......God Rocks........

That is why, in Mattew's chapter, we can observe that---

During the life of Jesus Christ------

Satan questioned him, saying, "If you are a son of God, do this----do that--like that."

 Satan intended to test him to see if he is truly a God.

However, in a nutshell---

God became human, and as a sinless human, he came and paid the ransom to set all humanity free...

But, once again, WHY will not everyone save?

Due to the same Formula......

What is the same formula?

How does the game begin?

"If you eat this fruit....you will die," God declares.

"If you eat this fruit...you will live," Satan says.

Humans, with their will and choice-----  obeyed Satan's order.....

Now, again with the theme of "BORN AGAIN"...

God says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; 

whoever believes in me will not perish but will have eternal life; 

baptize in my name---it means to register your name in my kingdom (the new world that God originally intended)."

This is known as God's backup plan.

So God failed the first time?

Not really, he demonstrates a second time that I can win at any time,

 even if things are not going as planned.

 By the way, the first time Humans failed..... the second time God triumphs....

"Do not believe in Jesus Christ," declares the false God (SATAN).

Finally, the game returns to humans.....

Who will mankind listen to?

Is it God or Satan?

Why are human decisions so important? 

Why can God just put it one way?

Because this earth was made for Humans and authority was given to Humans....

even if God wants to visit the earth, he comes as a Human, 

and if the devil wants to do something wicked to the earth, he must possess a human.

Those who trust in Christ will be with Him in His position after death.

Those who do not believe Him will not be with Him.......

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