Sunday, July 16, 2023



Another question has remained unanswered.

Why did he just raise Lazarus from the dead?

This one has the same theory, so let's talk about it....

Because Lazarus had already died, he understood a lot about God, 

and he doesn't want any healing or supernatural experiences, 

but what was God's aim in miraculously raising him from the dead?


Here, we go, but please read both references

         Mathew 16-13-16

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"


They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets."


"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"


Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ,[2] the Son of the living God."


Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.

Another reference

JOHN 11-38-44

Lazarus Raised from the Dead

38 Then Jesus, again groaning in Himself, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay against it. 39 Jesus said, “Take away the stone.”

Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, “Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days.”

40 Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” 41 Then they took away the stone [a]from the place where the dead man was lying. And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. 42 And I know that You always hear Me, but because of the people who are standing by I said this, that they may believe that You sent Me.” 43 Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” 44 And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose him, and let him go.”


Before raising Lazarus, He had a conversation with His disciples, 

and what he learned is that 'the people believe that Jesus is a prophet and a messenger of God, 

or Elijah, or John The Baptist, or Jeremiah, or other prophets, 

so he said so many times as like---I am greater than a Prophet.

However, some people believe he was a prophet because of the miracles he performed,

which a prophet can also do.

So Jesus waited for an opportunity to demonstrate his total authority and power, 

and when he learned that Lazarus was unwell, he said, "This sickness has come to glorify God."

Every Prophet in the Bible was never given authority; 

they simply prayed and pleaded with God to heal or revive the dead.

But, in this case, Jesus Christ simply told Lazurus to come out of the grave, 

demonstrating his sovereignty over the universe.

This miracle has a separate hypothesis that when the world around him confined his actions and

 possibilities, he performed the impossible and went above their limitations and expectations, 

changing their perception of him.

From that point forward, people framed him as a 'Messiah.' 

They were astounded and began to suspect he was more than a prophet.

It implies to me that anytime people judge God's capabilities, 

he will occasionally go to an extreme level to demonstrate his strength and authority in order to enhance their faith [Knowledge] level.

But, most of the time, he healed those who had confidence in him or had strong faith in him...

Because he did it on purpose, because he adored the world, he would heal, provide for, and protect us.


 1. Did God speak based on our mental information?

A. Yes, and he sometimes speaks to convey information as well.

2. Should we pray to God for health and blessings?

A. You can ask him anything and he will always give you his best.

3. Does God perform every miracle?

A. No, there are three kinds of miracles: one from GOD with a divine purpose, 

one from SATAN with a distracting purpose, to distract from God.

And the third from MAN serves no purpose other than to make people happy, 

kind of information. [I'll write another blog about this later.]

4. Does God function in the same way in the future? Can anyone foretell his moves?

A. A  big No one can detect or foretell his upcoming moves, but we can suppose if he reveals through His Spirit.[This is known as a promise to provide hope where there is none.]

This blog was written by deciphering God's past acts, not to predict how he will behave in the future.

5. There are so many people there who have been completely healed and blessed, what can you say about them?

A. God is love, and because of love, he accomplishes so many things in the world, many things that have nothing to do with miracles or this site.

6. Throughout the blog, some of the questions were still there...

1. Why did God allow Satan to enter the earth?

2. Why was Satan created?

3. Why does God give humanity command or free will?

A. The logical and biblical solutions could be provided in another blog; however, before that, I will share an answer generated by faith and by faith.

Here it is....

I mentioned a scene earlier in this essay, so go back and review it for a better understanding---

As an example--

When you walk into a movie theater, the performance has already begun, 

and you are sitting in chairs, staring at the screen.

SUDDENLY IN THE MOVIE—' A mother viciously murdered her son.' ---That's the scene you

captured, and it appears wild and disturbed. You were stunned, 

but the rest of the audience acted normally and accepted it as justice. 

But you have a sense of injustice.


Two things have transpired here.....

The audience has heard the beginning of the story, but you have not. 

That's how the human life phase was on this planet; our trip began,

 continued, and terminated in this globe, 

with all the drama taking place in the world's mid-phase.

So we have no notion of what the beginning and conclusion of this earth or any other person's narrative is;

 we are the characters in this worldly drama.

We did not have complete control over our lives. Isn't it strange? It is.

We are unable to know, but at some point, we learn a lot of information,

 most of which leaves us puzzled rather than clear.

So, what's going on in the world is a result of consequences;

it's a chain reaction, and it doesn't mean we should question everything.

No!  You must question everything, becoming as knowledgeable about everything as possible,

 but do not criticize and blame God or anyone.

The same scenario can be used here; 

sometimes we feel as if God merely created the problem and then brought the answer, 

which is bizarre.

Yeah! It appears to be the same, 

but my response was based on my faith---I believe, God is good,

 he comes for me and dies for me, he frees me from hell and Satan,

 and he opens the gates of paradise.

So, I believe there was a great and valid reason,

 and he was waiting to reveal it to me, but first he demanded a huge faith in him.

So, I do.

It's better if you do.

7. Finally, what am I going to say?

A. There is only one command there, and it is: 

"Do whatever you want, eat whatever you want, except this fruit." If you eat, you will die.'

--- This is the only command issued to Adam and Eve by God.

Our primary antagonist, the deceiver Satan, also brings his one command... 

eat the fruit and nothing will happen. ---In reality, there was nothing mysterious about the fruit.

It's a competition between God and Satan----They both have an order.

God said, "Don't eat the fruit." Satan says, "Eat the fruit."

Adam and Eve made the decision,...In another regard, cast your vote...

whoever you choose, he will be your leader.

Adam listens to the voice of darkness--[eats the fruit that God forbids him to eat.]

Then the gates of heaven shut. However, Jesus Christ reopened the door.

Still, before entering heaven, there are only two commands----- the same as in Genesis...


.you will be saved," God says.

"Don't eat the fruit," Satan says. [DON'T ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD, 


So, once again, the choice was in the hands of the human; 

cast your vote, and choose your leader.

This time, if you vote for Satan, you will remain with him after death;

 if you vote for God, you will remain with him after death.

God, by the way, resides in the wonderful light, peace, and joy known as heaven.

Satan will dwell in darkness, misery, crying, and remorse. 

And that location, enveloped in unquenchable flames and sadness, is known as hell.

8. What is the main purpose of this post?

A. Don't chase after healings and miracles; instead, focus on Jesus.

 Pray from the heart, God is an experience, knowing God is feeling God, 

loving God is spreading Love, praying to God is realizing he is always in control, 

and helping God is spreading Gospel[Your experience about his magnificence], 

God bless you.

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