Sunday, July 9, 2023

Lets Talk About God Part-2

 ORIGIN OF SATAN: Simply simplifying...

Lets Talk About God Part-2

Satan had been created by God.

Satan seeks to be God.
God despises it and discovered that it has a SIN.
Sin is defined as doing something that is inappropriate and failing to do what is required.
That is also known as a violation of God's instructions.
God expelled him......
Satan was defeated, and his followers were cast into hell.
Hell is nothing more than a place where God does not exist.
So, the question is, why did God create Satan? Why did he abandon him? "And why is he going to kill him?" We couldn't predict the entire movie just on one scene.----similarly---
It appears that God did everything, and we cannot blame God because we do not know what the future contains.
We cannot predict the future since our intelligence and understanding are limited.
Knowing how to respond to those questions---- Either God must respond, or we can learn everything at the end of the world......
For the time is coming when everything that has been hidden will be unveiled, and all that has been kept hidden will be made public. 
can learn about everything
So our subject isn't about Satan?
Concerning God......
"1. Then, why are there so many Gods?"
"2. Why are there so many religions?"
3. "How can God be invisible?" How did Jesus Christ become God? Because, after all, he is human.
Hold these questions, and we'll go over them one by one.
We'll start with the first question.
 God is Invisible...... Humans can be seen.
God is limitless...Humans are limited in number.
God is uncontrollable and incomprehensible......Humans have limitations.
So, when humanity know God by his unseen works, but have not seen him, they have experienced him.
So, obviously, the finite, limited-knowledge human who lives in a small round ball wants to bring an image of God in the form of what he had knowledge and assumptions about God, It's not a mistake, they have done it out of curiosity and ignorance, out of love and gratitude, but what was the mistake is......
If he reveals his identity, still humanity ignores it, that was the mistake.

So it begins as a point of thankfulness and evolves into a thrill of worshiping an unknown God, which becomes conventional and is inherited and passed down through a few regions, the heritage of an unknown God was occupied by SATAN.

That is why, if you look about, every God in this world appears in the form of nature. In a nutshell, God made Humans, and Humans created God.

However, if they sincerely worship God with their heart and soul......he will appear and speak to those who are hungry and praying for him.
Because he made the world for humans only.... He made everything for humans only.
So He loved humans 3000 times....and He gave everyone a distinct individuality...
Because He has a distinct identity........ Every human being was made in His image......
Thinking, creative, kind, intellectual, good, decision maker, know-how, immortal, infinite.
Wait! What? Humans are created immortal and infinite creatures...

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