Saturday, July 29, 2023



This is the most amazing feeling that every being feels and wants…….

Love is one of the prominent factors that drives our daily life…

Love is an expressive thing. ….

In words, the impact is less….

But the actions of Love are highly impactable….

And about Love……

Envy exists because of love.....

There is rage because of Love....

There is a conflict because of love.....

God created the universe out of Love....

He offers us free choice and independence to accomplish whatever we desire because of Love....

Because of Love, he accepts responsibility as a responsible father (Creator) for what we do wrong.

The world runs, falls, and rises because of Love....

I know what hate is because of Love....

I know what is betraying because of Love....

When love is unconditional, it is pure......

Love is magical until you understand logic.

There are two parts to love...

1. Unconditional

2. conditional....

Unconditional love is simply defined as the person who loves others more than himself or herself.

This category includes God, Mother, and anyone who follows that law.

The shocking thing was that God is unseen, so when we feel unconditional love from God, we dismiss it as being from the earth, or we fail to identify it...... 

Sacrifice is the foundation of unconditional love...

Conditional Love:

We all know, this love formed with some conditions, is not bad, or wrong, 

but the love that comes from conditions will fade away when that conditions are disturbed.

Because conditions are the foundation of Conditional Love.
In some circumstances, conditional love transforms into unconditional love......

Friday, July 28, 2023

I've heard that God speaks. Is that true?"

 I've heard that God speaks. Is that true?"

I've heard that God speaks. Is that true?"


As a Christian, I can respond, 'Yes! He speaks via dreams, visions, the Bible, messages from pastors, and our problems, and sometimes His silence says louder.'

Okay! But for a Christian, this message was terrific and tremendously convincing.

But for others who do not know Christ, it is a new topic;

perhaps they believe in another God or follow other notions of God, 

having faith in someone other than Christ.

That is their choice, and I respect it.

However, I know some people who honestly desire to follow God if He genuinely speaks to them; 

I am publishing this piece for those people....

Let's get right to the point.....

What do you think you know about God?

Let me guess......

A Creator with complete sovereignty over the globe yet has no name, religion, caste, race, or area......

 God created Humans after that,

Humans created Gods......

So, the bulk of religions and Gods have a story that is similar to------

God has communicated with our forefathers....

So many people have been healed by God....

Before God talks to people like people.... 

God performs so many incredible things that only humans can do...

I won't disclose any God names because they may differ. 

The stories are identical because they all stem from the same source.

So, here, I divide them into two groups...

1. Believer of God

2. A person who does not believe in God.

Again in God's Believer...I've divided people into two groups...

1. Follow the daily schedule of spiritual, traditional rituals that your forebears followed.

2. Another group is that they believe in God, yet they really desire to meet and communicate with God. 

Today's theme is for those who want to have an encounter with God....

 We know that God speaks because our forefathers told us that he did in the past.

So, as I already stated,

"God created humans, but humans also created gods."

Every masterpiece is a clone of the original. 

Every iPhone, for example, had a replica masterpiece.

How do we identify which is original and which is a copy....

By combining both...….

If you are following a God and have confidence in Him..... 

and you are experiencing His voice, guidance, presence, calm, and love..... that is fantastic...

Continue on.....

If you've been following someone but haven't heard His voice, 

counsel, presence, serenity, or love.

And that's fine for you; 

 that's your decision, and I'll respect it.

If someone wishes to have an encounter with God, please follow these instructions......

Go to your room and lock the door; make sure you're alone so you can focus and concentrate....

1. CALL THE CREATOR-----who produces you in this universe without anyone's permission.

CALLING GUIDE------ This is also known as prayer...

"The creator of this universe and mine......"

How are you doing....I wish you were always great, but we're not...

We're perplexed, unsure about You...

People murdering other people.... In God's and religion's name.

The world is in disarray....

I don't want to bring up all of my questions, such as, 

"Why did all of this happen, and what will happen in the future?"

You have so many different names in this world.....

So many people have been separated into groups......

So only after existing do I learn these things.....

Tell me one thing ….You created me right? I heard you talk in the past, 

You are the same God so definitely You can talk to me….So, I can believe You.

I know among all religions and God, you are there, also I know remaining all are duplicates….

.but judging who is original and duplicates…my intelligence is not enough….

So, please tell me, show yourself and talk to me….Oh, my wonderful Creator….

I won't mention any name but I say only a Creator….when you mention your name, next time.

I pray on that name, Bye.

2. Be consistently call to him.

He will appear on His time……

He will reveal his identity….

He will talk to you….

He shows himself according to your understanding ability, recognizing skills, and knowledge

That's how I discovered him.....

Yes! Only by doing so have I discovered Jesus Christ to be the One and Only Lord God—the Way, the Truth, the Life, and the Saviour of the World...

But I can't tell everyone to believe Him

 because then people see me as a Christian preaching the gospel....

and they simply deny this.....

So, unlike all of my other writings, 

this one is a little different in that I want to tell the route that led me to God....

I've posted the road to God......

" I've heard that God speaks. Is that correct?"

YES! Prepare to encounter Him......

HIS is not our time...

We pray and wait for him......He will provide the response...... 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


 What's the Problem with God? Or What's God's Problem with Us ? Part-2 


"Do we really have freedom?" was the first question we posed.

And the second question was, "What exactly is freedom?"

There is no freedom in my opinion; all we have is 'living only in hope.'

The hope varies from person to person, from religion to religion, and from community to community.

However, in general, the hope and wish will be as follows: "I have peace, happiness, and independence in this world."

But the truth is that we only live and die with hope.

Okay! To get to the point, in the communities, 

there are two types of personalities who were against religion and God; 

one believes in God but lives as they please, and the other does not believe in God

 but also lives as they please; 

however, they joined forces to fight against those who were against them, 

whether it was God, religion, or any other community.

I only want to speak with those who believe in God yet live and stay in that community-----

and they sometimes ask questions like this------- 

"What's the Matter with God?"

What is God's issue with us?"

Do you believe in God here? 

And you're wondering what God's problem is with YOU.

To be honest, I heard the phrase "God made me like this, what can I do?"

 This is a phrase I've heard numerous times...

That's fine......

Before responding to that statement, I'd want to address a few things...…


Do you realize we live under protocols, with some protocols....

A protocol has been designed for every organization, government, state, country, community, and activity.

After extensive analysis, such protocols are created by a human.

So, where is the freedom?

Obviously, most of us did not agree with some protocols,

 but we followed them since they were safe, secure, and the greatest way to live.

There is freedom in that protocol, but it is not individual freedom; it is societal freedom.

Using the same formula on God....

God created the universe, as well as some protocols, 

and appointed some of them to preach those protocols to us....

He owns the globe and may impose any protocols he desires....

various believers in various cultures may say something like this... 

"He only made us this way, and how can we be normal?" Here is my response----

"Of course, he did, and that's why he was now saying to every human in this world, 

not just the communities..... BORN AGAIN......."

Yes, you read that correctly! Born Again.

"I made you very beautiful, and the seed of sin corrupts you," God replied. 

"However, die (change your life) and be Born Again 

(take charge of your new life with the help of MY Spirit, and that life was brought by MY Blood)."

This is God's plan for this world, 

so those who criticize God for making you this way should be born again.

Are you prepared to answer his call?

If you are, I am delighted.

If not, that's God's will to you, and you're implementing it; that's your choice, and I respect it.

How can this be resolved?

I don't view it as a problem; 

I see it as a difference,

 and some of them agree with the way of life of some communities while others disagree.

Express your thoughts, beliefs, and points, but do not incite hatred or violence.

Any religion or community that instills hatred and violence in its members is damaging to society. 

Who is correct and who is incorrect?

As I already stated,

No one has the authority to pass judgment on anyone; 

God is our ultimate, one and only Judge...

But I really want to communicate my point of view....

So I expressed......

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 What's the Problem with God? Or What's God's Problem with Us? 

What's the problem with God?

In this case, the problem is freedom...... 

Every human desires to live freely, free of rules and constraints.

However, God and religion are always accompanied by laws and regulations......

In our world, there are various communities, and each community has a unique agenda, objectives, and goals.

However, what I noticed as a consistent fundamental point was ----Every community's majority was striving and fighting for Equal Rights.


Nobody has dominance in their community.

There will be no violence in their community.

The world expects them to accept who they are....

Education and understanding of their community are necessary.

I have not seen more than this that humans require, and in my opinion, 

every community is fighting for this alone; 

the leaders who have been appointed or who are leading the communities

 have faced suffering, struggle to live, discrimination, stigmatization, and marginalization.

As a result, they do not want to pass on their pain to the next generation.

As a result, they formed a powerful community against the world, religion, and God.

So they are clear: they desire nothing more than a happy life.

So, here's the primary theme line....

What's the issue with God?

On the other hand, certain religious and religious leaders-----

According to my knowledge, those spiritual leaders 

who represent God and their religion in the form of going against the norms

 and ways of life in some societies.

Today, I'm not going to cover all religions, Gods, and communities....

but I do want to talk about the difficulty that we're experiencing on all sides.

What Do Communities Desire?

Equal Protection.


Nobody has dominance in their community.

There will be no violence in their community.

The world expects them to accept who they are....

Education and understanding of their community are necessary.

What did the religious leaders want and why did they want it?

 And why are they hostile to certain communities? 

"the commands that they received from their holy book 

and that sacred texts have to be passed down to the next generation, and they want to protect the entire world in terms of social culture,

 gender roles, and family structure."

 the religious leaders want and their goal was.

They oppose some communities because of------ 

"fear of change and fear of causing harm to the global system.....

They reasoned that some societies wanting independence (do whatever they want) 

ruin the entire family structure and harm the world's reproduction mechanism.

As a result, they are opposed to some communities..."

We now understand the motivation behind---- Religions and some groups....

Now, how do we need to see the majority of things?

How can this be resolved?

Who is correct and who is incorrect?

No one has the authority to pass judgment on anyone; 

God is our ultimate, one and only Judge...

But I really want to communicate my point of view....

To be continued........

Monday, July 24, 2023



I dislike writing extensive words and descriptions on any subject; 

what I want to express about any subject must be simple, clean, and brief.

Because people are busy and exhausted, 

and they don't need to wrack their brains to understand the deeper significance of what I publish....


Yeah! Let me share my thoughts on humanity......

I already wrote and posted two blogs. 

1. What makes someone a great personality?

2. Is a human reliant or self-sufficient?

Both posts address similar topics. ----- 

I'll explain briefly once more.

"No one is greater than anyone, all humans are the same in terms of pain, suffering, 

emotions, living, and death, but when it comes to survival and thriving--- 

the differences are there, and another difference was talents, which is actually not a difference."

But, as most others, including myself, have observed, "Every Human is Unique and Special."

We are unique and special....

I discussed pain, suffering, emotions, living, and death before.... 

But there existed a distinctness between humans...

The requirements----


Fingerprints are based on the patterns of skin ridges (called dermatoglyphics) on the pads of the fingers. 

These ridges can also be found on the toes, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet.

And it differs from individual to person.


Our fingerprints are undeniably distinct, but the iris's uniqueness is significantly greater in comparison.

 The iris carries around 250 different features that determine a person's identification,

which is five times the number of characteristics found in a fingerprint!

So, scientifically, we learn about the uniqueness that each human contains, 

as well as certain talents that everyone possesses, 

which appears to be the same but has some originality in it.

Okay! Whatever....our topic is Humanity.........

Now, what should we make of the fact that humans are similar in some ways yet distinct in others?....

and how does that relate to equality....

To put it another way...

If God is a toolmaker,

we are the unique tools that can be used in this world. Some tools are employed for repair, 

and some are used for assembling and disassembling some of them to 'maintain' the remaining tools,

 some of them used for service, some of the tools used long run service, 

some of the tools can be used for short-time service and a few tools used for one-time service.

However, every tool is valuable, necessary, and irreplaceable.

No tool may be utilized for its own sake; every tool exists to assist others...

It is dependable and has a purpose, and it cannot be completed without that tool.

So, you get my argument if we replace humans with that tool.

God employs every human being.

We don't know how lengthy people's roles can be, but they are unique, exceptional, 

irreplaceable, and serve a purpose.

We are all in that category.

This planet is for people; everyone has a different job, 

yet we all have the same objective and purpose, knowingly or unknowingly...

' RUN THIS WORLD' is the title.

So, if we are not the same,

we cannot work together.... 

And we can't rule the globe.

And if we all have the same personalities, talents, and skills, 

we are useless and unable to influence this universe.

As a result, God made each person specifically but equally.

As a result, all humans are equal and unique.

Respect everyone equally, but be aware of their distinct talent and specialization.


Love you all.....

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Is a human dependent or independent?

 Is a human dependent or independent?

Is a human dependent or independent?

Are we dependable or independent?

Let's find out........

The majority of people who live alone,

Actually, we were led by our parents, guardians, or godfathers... 

till we reach the age of eighteen

Following that, we must lead on our own.

If we study well, apply our skill, shape it, and shine, 

it will be useful in our daily lives to lead a better existence, 

but it may also become bitter---depending on time, our actions, and performance.

However, results are not our focus...

So, after eighteen years, we notice that our living methodology appears independent.

If we labor, we will have money...

We must labor if we learn successfully.

If we are talented enough, we can become a product that a big number of people consume...

If we are careless and procrastinate in things,

the world will be careless and procrastinate in everything.

In a single sentence...

The actions we take, the reactions we receive.....

The more you did, the more valuable you became.

The more valuable things you perform, the higher your priority in this world.....

So, it appears that everything is based on our efforts

 and that we are self-sufficient human beings who don't need anyone to boost us...

our talent, gifts, education, and discipline are sufficient...

As a result, humans are self-sufficient.

Somehow, it's true......However, this is not entirely correct......

Each coin has two sides....

We are dependable people.....

Two people gave birth to us......

After we die, our bodies are carried by others...

Someone made the dress we're wearing...

We used our knowledge, skills, and talents to help someone else's business.

We work for someone, we live for someone, 

and someone noticed our talent, abilities, and education and encouraged and uplifted it...

There are so many distinctions between us regarding ethnicity, religion, and region.....

However, we cannot exist, prosper, fail, or rise without the help of another Human.

Humans are dependable, but they can not exist without the assistance of others.....

Respect, love, and be compassionate to all people, regardless of their degree, religion, caste, race, or region.

To be continued............

Saturday, July 22, 2023




What are you wearing?


It's short and sweet, but it's fantastic.

Did you know we were surrounded by an 'Aura'?

The soul creates a human aura, and every 'aura of the soul' is created by the law of attraction.

What exactly is the law of attraction?

According to the notion, the energy of our thoughts [good or negative] 

invites experiences of the same energy to enter [or manifest] in our life. 

"Like attracts like" is a common summary of the notion.

So, what draws you is your 'AURA.'

The law of attraction formed your qualities, character, attitude, mind process, thinking talents, interests, habits, and manner of behaving.

Simply put, simplification....The law of attraction was your compass.

Then there's 'what are you wearing,' which is also influenced by the law of attraction.

What are you wearing now?

Is that true? Is our spirit really wearing something?

I've provided something some psychological and theoretical information; now we'll hunt up a spiritual reference.


Key Scripture

Luke 8:43-48:

“Now there was a woman who had been suffering from hemorrhages for twelve years; 

and though she had spent all she had on physicians, no one could cure her.


She came up behind Jesus and touched the fringe of his clothes, 

and immediately her hemorrhage stopped. Then Jesus asked, ‘Who touched me?’


 When all denied it, Peter said,

‘Master, the crowds surround you and press in on you.’


 But Jesus said, ‘Someone touched me; for I noticed that power had gone out from me.’


 When the woman saw that she could not remain hidden,

 she came trembling, and falling down before him,


she declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, 

and how she had been immediately healed.


He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.’”

Yes! What you read was correct.

He is adorned with a 'AURA' that combines strength,

 glory, righteousness, holiness, compassion, kindness, grace, forgiveness, and love.

There is a paradox here: Jesus was not drawn to power, 

grandeur, righteousness, holiness, compassion, kindness, grace, forgiveness, and love.

However, power, glory, righteousness, holiness, compassion, 

kindness, grace, forgiveness, and love were all drawn to HIM.

That is HIM's area of expertise.

Humans, on the other hand, are built to be drawn to something or anything in this world.

So, what you were wearing was the item you were already attracted to. 

Be cautious of what you are attracted to.

Because what has come out of you will determine your personality and character.

What are you wearing?

Matthew 12:34-35

You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? 

For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. 

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, 

and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.

Taking into account the preceding reference --

Bad Aura beings produce bad fruit.

 A good aura yields good and blessed fruit.

The majority of us wear a 'AURA' that is a combination of Pride and Ego. 

However, most of us regard this as self-respect.

Okay! To summarize this topic, 

Good Aura was blended with the following components: 

love, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, 

false testimony, slander, self-pride, and ego were combined into Bad Aura.

Some of us were combined with both good and bad auras; 

I consider them to be in the process of transitioning from bad to good auras, 

and I hope that one day they will reach the good aura zone.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Why Safety is important? Where is the safety for the souls? Part-2

 Why Safety is important? Where is the safety for the souls? Part -2 

Sherlock Holmes and Watson stare out the window at the busy street.


If an unseen God created an invisible soul, the soul must have an invisible safety pattern. "However, it should be visible."

"Excuse me!" Watson pondered, "If the soul is invisible, God is invisible, and the soul's safety is also invisible.

how it can be visible?"

to be continued............................

How it can be visible?


Why Safety is Important? Where is the safety for the souls? Part-2

"Indeed, Mr. Watson." "How can it be seen?" It isn't it?" said Sherlock. 

"Then how can we know about soul security?"

Watson fixed his gaze on Sherlock Holmes, sensing that he was about to reveal something.

 "Trust, Faith, and Believe, remember these three words," Sherlock said.

"Mr. Watson, if the invisible God wants to give the invisible soul security, 

and if he believes it is so precious and vital, he must not hand it over to humans, 

because humans always fail."

 But, because this world belongs to humans, he must deliver it to humans,

 thus he couldn't find anyone to carry the box containing the soul's security.

So he appears as a Human carrying the box containing the soul's security."

"Where is the box?" Watson was perplexed.

"What kind of box?" Sherlock inquired.

 "The box which contains security for human souls?" Watson responded.

“Oh! Watson, you're still not getting the complete picture.

He is the Box." Sherlock said.

“What? "How do we get into that box?" Watson posed an intriguing question.

“Remember! Watson, I discussed three factors earlier.... 

Trust, Faith, and Believe....have to put on him." Sherlock clarifies in detail.

"Who was it?" Watson inquired once again.

"It is none other than Mr. JESUS CHRIST....THE ISA IBN MARYAM....AND THE MESSIAH."

"So, are you saying that Jesus is God?" Watson was skeptical.

“ Yeah!” "Have you seen my posts about 

'Let's Talk About God,' 

'Why Jesus Healed Only a Few, Not All?'" Sherlock clarified.

If not, please go to and read my letters.

You will be made clear.

Okay! "Watson, I'll see you later..."

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Why Safety is important? Where is the safety for the souls? PART-1

 Why Safety is important? Where is the safety for the souls?

Sherlock Holmes and Watson stare out the window at the busy street.

Why Safety is Important? Where is the Safety for the souls?

"Where is the security, Mr. Watson, while driving the car?" Sherlock Holmes inquired.

" Seat-Belt!" Watson correctly predicted, "wearing a seat belt is a safety while driving the car."

“ Nope! Okay, explain to me again why we need security." Sherlock inquired.

"Safety is a protocol that could help us, where we can find no harm to us," says Watson.

"No harm done for what?" "No harm for bodies," Sherlock stated, to which Watson answered......

"So, our concern is only for physical appearance, and what about souls?" "Where is the safety for our souls?" Sherlock said.

" Souls?" Watson shockingly stated....

“Yep! "I wonder, wherever I go around the world, 

I see so many protocols for living to the temporary physical bodies, 

and I was surprised how this world and every human was so concerned with living safely."

“So! What exactly do you mean? Is it a crime to live in safety?"

"Certainly not! Taking care of our bodies is wonderful, but failing to take care of our souls is a crime."

"How come I didn't get you, Sherlock?"

"Souls are invisible but vital; souls are the engine of our bodies; souls are eternal; so, souls are created first; but why do we disregard the safety of our souls?"

“Perhaps! Because it is unseen, there is no proof to convince this world that it exists."

Watson stated.

"Yes, Mr. Watson, you are correct, but do we have sensations?"

"Yes! We have"

"Cut, bleeding, and injury can be seen by the appearance of the wound, 

but for some sensations like fear and heartbreak, we see a response from the brain," Sherlock remarked,

 "but suffering from deep down it goes and fro from the soul."

"Not everybody believes in the existence of the soul, God, and demons," Watson explained.

"Belief systems may differ from person to person," Sherlock explained,

 "but everyone had to go through the same experiences; however, 

my words are not intended to convince or dictate the people, but to express my views."

"What is your point of view?" Watson inquired...

" My point of view is straightforward."

If the awesome power creates souls, we can call it God....

If God created souls, he had to provide those souls bodies to survive and the ability to thrive;

 if that body was temporary and humans thought to safeguard it, 

he created a route for a safe life.

That's why we designed things like helmets, seat belts, PPE, shoes, tools, and so on.

To live safely, a little human has evolved numerous safety precautions....

What about the spirit?

If an unseen God created an invisible soul, the soul must have an invisible safety pattern. "However, it should be visible."

"Excuse me!" Watson pondered, "If the soul is invisible, God is invisible, and the soul's safety is also invisible.

how it can be visible?"

to be continued............................

How it can be visible?

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


                                      WHAT IS IMPORTANT

What is important?

Money, of course!-----No


Yes.... time is unquestionably more important......No....

What if it isn't time, health, and wealth? What happens next?

Let me put it this way......

Money counts as essential for the needy...

Health is vital for the unwell...

For the elderly, time is the greatest thing.


Okay! Then, Mr. Sherlock, answer me....What is important?


Moments are quite essential........

Above everything, what you guessed is most important---Time, Health, and Wealth....

But, you know what, time is captured and fixed within a chain of 'moments.'

People continually look at the time, yet often neglect to capture the moments....

You are aware of How powerful....the 'moments' are

In a flash----God performs miracles....

We meet wonderful folks in an instant.

We might become millions in an instant, but we can also become bankrupt...

In an instant---we missed the accident---and we also met.....

We shall perish in an instant.....

In one instant, we gain everything and lose everything...

Sometimes we can meet the 'GOD' in an instant.

So don't ruin the 'moments'......Experience it.

Okay! Sherlock….I have a question about this topic: how do we know if the following moment will be nice or bad?

You don''re not aware....

Because every person on our planet is unique, our lives are all unique....

Obviously, we have distinct ways of living, structures, and paths to success....

Someone's experience can be utilized as a guide to take a step, but it cannot be considered a mandatory rule or law to be assumed.....

So the 'moments' are important, but we have no idea whether they are good or bad.

However, only moments bring all of the feelings and experiences together to experience it......

That's it..... 

Mr. Watson, this is my opinion......

Tuesday, July 18, 2023



How to handle hate?

This topic belongs to everyone and relates to everyone, 

if I am not wrong, everyone wants to overcome this problem,

 and some of them wouldn't know, how to solve this problem, so they ignored it.

Some of them couldn’t understand, why people hated them, 

and why they are hating other people.

Most of us, even don’t know how to proceed to overcome this problem.


Today, I am so glad to share my opinion.

First and foremost thing, How the hate generates?

I believed everyone hates something in this world either, it could be any characteristic of a personality,

 a matter of choice, taste, color, indiscipline, punctuality, late nights, traveling, some kind of food, etc.

But then ultimately we hate with a reason or without a reason.

Whatever makes you or brings you into an uncomfortable situation, you will hate that thing.

So, fortunately, or unfortunately, we all are hating something.

What I’ve seen was there are three types of Hate---

1.       Something that produces an uncomfortable situation in our minds also brings hate, that type of hate I named ‘Organic Hate’.


2.       Another one I named ‘Compared Hate. It’s produced by the person who himself compares with others.


This kind of Hate allows all other dust stale stink ingredients[Envy, Jealousy, Anger] into their hearts,

making them feel more uncomfortable, notion frustrated, mood swings, and ended up in a depressed state of mind.


Compared with others is far more dangerous than any other act.


3.       The last one was the ‘Reactional Hate’ this kind of Hate is produced by our actions,

whatever your action maybe it hurts someone in any kind of matter either their feelings or belief system and it deliberately generates a wave of anger or hurts their ego,

 but technically it slipped down into hate and they project at you.


   So, what do we do now?


Whatever hate was there in our hearts, it should be avoided under any circumstances.


Because the hate itself had darkness in it.


Now, you had an idea, of how hate generates and the types of it, so you can sort it, now.


If you are hating anything and that was caused by 

Organic Hate:

---remember also you do the same thing to someone, so adopt things as it is, so it can help you to not hate anything.


Compared Hate:


Or if you hate a person because of jealousy, remember, don’t be the envy of anyone, because you have no idea about their journey. What you know is their success, what you don’t know was their failures, struggles, losses, and damages.


I know it's easy to say and cumbersome to overcome, but practice makes perfect.


Reactional Hate:


Or if you hate a person because of their actions, of course, their actions might be triggered off and provoke you,

and eventually ended up to generates anger or frustration and then it transformed into hate and you showed up toward them.


So controlling this kind of hate is challenging, it needs practice.


Practice what?


Understanding everyone is a complication and it’s a demanding task.


Everyone was not ready for that, only those who overcome hate can apply for this task.


Understanding a person means not standing in their shoes, but knowing their intentions and thoughts.


What I’ve said was---How not to Hate others… I am going to say how to handle Hate towards us.


How to control Organic Hate towards us?


Firstly, you have to know that everyone has a unique aura surrounding them,

so some of them can connect easily because the aura matches.


Some of them can’t connect.


So, it's not a problem for both of them, it's a personality mismatching problem, it happens, but when we approach, communicate and share our thoughts, we can detect the spot to connect with them, so eventually, we can eliminate the organic hate.


It takes some time.


If someone is jealous of us means they carry the ‘Comparing Hate’ in them. How to solve this?


We couldn’t do anything for that, the person has to understand --- ‘when their turn comes they prevail and thrive out.’


And if possible convey to them---‘Their time has to come.’


And lastly, if someone is hating because of our actions----


There are two options to sway over this kind of hate.


1.       We have to change our actions or embrace the hate.


2.       Pour out the love in our actions, so it can surpass the hate.


Love is the most powerful weapon and it can surpass all kinds of feelings.


Even envy, hate, and anger couldn’t resist the walls of love.


Love brings changes.


In a spiritual aspect, it says like this----


God is love.


Even the world believed –Love brings changes


So, what’s the conclusion?


Pour out the love and sweeps off the hate.

How to handle hate?

Talking about hate in one post is not enough, it demands another one. It will come soon.



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