Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 What's the Problem with God? Or What's God's Problem with Us? 

What's the problem with God?

In this case, the problem is freedom...... 

Every human desires to live freely, free of rules and constraints.

However, God and religion are always accompanied by laws and regulations......

In our world, there are various communities, and each community has a unique agenda, objectives, and goals.

However, what I noticed as a consistent fundamental point was ----Every community's majority was striving and fighting for Equal Rights.


Nobody has dominance in their community.

There will be no violence in their community.

The world expects them to accept who they are....

Education and understanding of their community are necessary.

I have not seen more than this that humans require, and in my opinion, 

every community is fighting for this alone; 

the leaders who have been appointed or who are leading the communities

 have faced suffering, struggle to live, discrimination, stigmatization, and marginalization.

As a result, they do not want to pass on their pain to the next generation.

As a result, they formed a powerful community against the world, religion, and God.

So they are clear: they desire nothing more than a happy life.

So, here's the primary theme line....

What's the issue with God?

On the other hand, certain religious and religious leaders-----

According to my knowledge, those spiritual leaders 

who represent God and their religion in the form of going against the norms

 and ways of life in some societies.

Today, I'm not going to cover all religions, Gods, and communities....

but I do want to talk about the difficulty that we're experiencing on all sides.

What Do Communities Desire?

Equal Protection.


Nobody has dominance in their community.

There will be no violence in their community.

The world expects them to accept who they are....

Education and understanding of their community are necessary.

What did the religious leaders want and why did they want it?

 And why are they hostile to certain communities? 

"the commands that they received from their holy book 

and that sacred texts have to be passed down to the next generation, and they want to protect the entire world in terms of social culture,

 gender roles, and family structure."

 the religious leaders want and their goal was.

They oppose some communities because of------ 

"fear of change and fear of causing harm to the global system.....

They reasoned that some societies wanting independence (do whatever they want) 

ruin the entire family structure and harm the world's reproduction mechanism.

As a result, they are opposed to some communities..."

We now understand the motivation behind---- Religions and some groups....

Now, how do we need to see the majority of things?

How can this be resolved?

Who is correct and who is incorrect?

No one has the authority to pass judgment on anyone; 

God is our ultimate, one and only Judge...

But I really want to communicate my point of view....

To be continued........

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